Connecting women and money

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We’re committed to working with others to enrich the faith community

Everence President and CEO Ken Hochstetler wrote the following blog post (it was posted June 12) for the Mennonite Women USA website:
I am delighted Everence is the sponsor for the Sister Care T-shirts for Mennonite Women USA. Everence wants to be identified with Mennonite Women USA as a financial organization that supports women and their futures.

Ken and Sue Hochstetler

Sue and Ken Hochstetler

Women are not the first group many people associate with financial matters. The traditional stereotype is that money issues are centered within the orbit of men. That is indeed true among many couples. In other households, married and single women take responsibility for financial decisions. You know other women all along that spectrum.

Our goal is not to treat women like men.

Women have different needs (such as, they live longer on average) with unique money issues. Wherever you are, Everence wants to help you be prepared for what’s ahead and to use your money in a way that reflects your values.

Sister Care T-shirts

Betty Loewen (left) and Camille Adrian of Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, model the new Sister Care T-shirts, thanks to Everence.

I think of my mother, four sisters, wife and daughter, whom I want to feel comfortable with financial matters. My daughter and I worked through some financial issues as she was getting established as an adult. I want her to have the same opportunities men have and the same confidence with money. Everence is here to support women, regardless of their stage of life.

The financial services industry, the environment in which Everence operates, has been highly male oriented. That situation needs to change. Within Everence, one of our five strategic priorities for the future is enhancing our talent pool.

We are pursuing more diversity among our staff and in management, including bringing along women in our ranks. We already have great female financial advisors who work in our offices nationally.

Like Mennonite Women USA, our Everence logo represents an intertwined vine and fits with John 15:5 – “I am the vine, you are the branches.” We are committed to working with others to enrich the faith community.

Last year, Everence released a new workshop for women. In the summer 2015 issue of Timbrel magazine, Rhoda Blough, Everence Church Relations Representative, talks about why it’s important for women to get involved in managing money. Rhoda has led a number of these seminars, including one at the Mennonite Church USA conference this summer.