An introduction to Women and Money

Women and money |

New series focuses on financial education and women’s stories

Written for women, by women – the new Women and Money series by Everence aims to share the unique experiences women face and how these experiences affect their lives and finances.

This series is inspired by Women and Money educational seminars led by staff in several communities for the last few years. The seminars addressed financial concerns women may deal with, with the goal of helping women learn more about finances and feel more confident about their financial decisions.

Rhoda Blough, Everence Stewardship Consultant, advocated to start the educational seminar for women because she saw the importance of talking with women about the financial situations they may encounter. Blough felt this acutely because her husband died unexpectedly, and Blough had to quickly figure out their finances while also trying to grieve.

“Reflecting on my own experience, I recognize the importance of women being knowledgeable in all aspects of their finances,” said Blough in the first article of the series.

Although many of the financial principles are universal, the common thread of the series is women sharing their experiences with other women.

Find the series at and select "Women and Money" on the topic list.

About Everence

Everence helps individuals, organizations and congregations integrate finances with faith through a national team of advisors and representatives. Everence offers banking, insurance and financial services with community benefits and stewardship education.