Stewardship ministry overview

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Find new resources for year-around stewardship within your church

The adage, if we fail to plan we will plan to fail, is true at multiple levels of organizational life. We at Everence, feel that the church, given its calling from God to serve the world and bring in the Kingdom as Jesus described it, requires similar intentionality. To assist you in financial stewardship planning for your church, Everence has developed the Stewardship Ministry Wheel and related resources.

A church’s financial stewardship ministry is a year-round process. When it is done well, it reflects careful attention to detail and the involvement of its clergy and lay leaders. Everence has created a series of financial planning tools to help guide this work. These tools, guide you as you think through the following areas of planning, education and implementation:

Planning for the future: having a clear sense of vision and mission
Telling our story: communicating about our past, present and future 
Teaching stewardship principles: promoting biblical stewardship 
Asking for involvement: unleashing the gifts of all our members
Thanking givers and volunteers: expressing gratitude to God and one another

Besides the Stewardship Ministry Wheel, we have created additional resources to guide you through the technical and adaptive changes required to become more intentional in your stewardship ministry, including the:

Stewardship ministry wheel introduction
Stewardship ministry assessment tool
Stewardship ministry: Thanking people

These tools are designed to help you as church leaders to discern the areas where you might strengthen your stewardship ministry.

Note that not everything will be accomplished in one year. Stewardship ministry is an ongoing, multi-year process. Therefore, after you become familiar with the stewardship ministry wheel introduction, we suggest you go next to the assessment tool and decide where to begin your work based on what you perceive to be your greatest need. The third resource focuses on thanking people, and we’ll develop additional resources to address other segments of the wheel. 

As always, feel free to contact your Stewardship Consultant for assistance in developing your own customized year-round stewardship planning process.

Beryl Jantzi, Director of Stewardship
Author Beryl Jantzi
Stewardship Education Director

Learn about church finance

You can also create stewardship-driven financial policies, budgets and procedures  --  that can encourage and inspire generosity, transparency and good communication about financial management within your church.