Souderton team honors Arlin Lapp with Journey Award


An appreciation of his many years of stewardship and modeling it for others

Some of our Souderton office team members recently presented a regional Journey Award to Arlin Lapp in appreciation of his many years of modeling Christian stewardship.

Arlin and his wife, Janet, are longtime members of Line Lexington Mennonite Church, and Arlin worked for Mennonite Mutual Aid/Everence for more than 23 years.

Every year, Everence asks people to nominate someone for a Journey Award. We ask them to tell us about a role model in terms of how they care for and share their gifts and resources – including time, talents and money.

Those who’ve known Arlin a while told us about times when they benefited from Arlin’s wisdom.

Everence advocate Harry Anselmo said Arlin helped him sort out a job offer to teach in a Christian school. Harry was excited about teaching – which he had done earlier in his life – but knew the position paid much less than he was earning at a food processing and distribution company.

Arlin talked with him about the biblical concept of stewardship and advised him to trust God as he pondered his next move. Harry took the teaching job, and had no regrets about his decision 25 years later.

"My decision was influenced greatly by his encouragement and the words he shared with me," Harry said. 

Former pastor Lowell Delp recalls Arlin offering stewardship advice based on Scripture to people in the church who were struggling with financial dilemmas.

"He certainly walked his talk," Lowell said. 

Congratulations to our Souderton Journey Award recipient!