Yangxin Fan, University of Pittsburgh 2020

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Actuarial and Marketing Intern

Yangxin Fan
Yangxin Fan will graduate from the University of Pittsburgh in 2020 with a degree in applied mathematics. During the summer of 2019, he worked as an actuarial and marketing intern at the Everence headquarters in Goshen. 

What are you doing in your internship?

I assist experienced actuaries develop and test assumptions used in pricing and financial reporting models for health insurance and life and annuities products and analyze data and explore different methods to calculate health plan claims reserves. I also assist in the marketing information department with data quality projects. These projects mostly involve customer information across multiple systems, and I correct and update information that increases marketing effectiveness.

What have you liked the most about your internship?

I like that I could use what I learned from my courses at college in solving real world problems. For example, I wrote recursions functions, learned from my Java programming courses, in my VBA coding for my cash-refund project in the actuary department.

What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned through your internship?

Working in multiple departments, I have learned the importance of communication.